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Top 30 MCQs of Biology with correct answer

Here we are sharing top 30 MCQs of biology which are mostly about bacteria . here you can test yourself how good you are in biology.
The stared option in MCQs is the answer of question

Top 30 MCQs
NTS 50 imp MCQs.

1: Classification Of Animals And Plants Is Called____?
A: Ecology
B: Taxonomy(☆)
C: Botany

2: All Living Things Are Divided Into______Main Kingdoms.
A: Five(☆)
B: Four
C: Three

3: Bacteria Are Very __________Organisms.
A: Big
B: Fat
C: Small(☆)

4: Plant Diseases Such as Citrus Canker Are Caused By?
C: Bacteria

5: The Most Abundant Living And With Out Nucleus Organism Is Called?
A: Bacteria(☆)
B: Virus
C: Fungus

6: The Organism Which Convert Milk Into Yogurt And Sugar Syrup Into Alcohol.
A: Fungi
B: Bacteria(☆)
C: Algae

7: The Main Decomposers In The Ecosystem.
A: Algae
B: Fungi
C: Bacteria(☆)

8: The Organism Which Help In Baking?
A: Algae
B: Virus
C: Bacteria(☆)

9: Algae Are_____Colour, But They Do Not Have Roots______Leaves, Flowers And Fruits.
A: Yollow, Roots
B: Green, Stam(☆)
C: Pink, Flowers

10: Algae Are Placed In Kingdom_________? .
A: Protista(☆)

11: Bacteria Are Placed In_________Kingdom.
A: Monera(☆)

12: Mushroom Is Also a Type Of_________?
A: Bacteria
B: Fungus(☆)
C: Algae

13: The Organism Which Help In Making Crud?
A: Fungi(☆)
B: Virus
C: Algae

14: The Organism Which Play an Important Role In Recycling?
A: Bacteria
B: Algae
C: Fungi(☆)

15: First Antibiotic Was Extracted From a__________?
A: Bacteria
B: Fungus(☆)
C: Algae

16: Which One Is Non Flowering Plant?
A: Jasmine
B: SunFlower
C: Moss(☆)

17: Rust And Smut Are Diseases Of Plants Caused By?
A: Algae
B: Bacteria
C: Fungi(☆)

18: Animals Are Divided Into ________Subgroups.
A: Two(☆)
B: Seven
C: Four

19: Vertebrates Which Have __________In Their Body.
A: Backbone(☆)
B: Water
C: Stone

20: Vertebrates Are Further Divided Into ___________Classes.
A: Three
B: Five(☆)
C: Four

21: Animals Respire By Gills Are_________?
A: Fishes(☆)
B: Bat
C: Sparrow

22: Shark Is an Example Of___________?
A: Birds
B: Reptiles
C: Fish(☆)

23: Amphibians Can Live Both In Water And On__________?
A: Sky
B: Land(☆)
C: Air

24: Microorganisms Can Only Be Seen With An Equipment Called?
A: Telescope
B: Microscope(☆)
C: Spectroscope

25: Amphibians Skin Is Moist And Slippery, For Example.
A: Rabbit
B: Man
C: Frog, Toda(☆)

26: Reptiles Are Completely _________ Vertebrates.
A: Land(☆)
B: Air
C: Water

27: Reptiles Skin Is Hard And Rough And Bears Scales On It.

28: Snakes, Chameleon, Crocodile, Turtles And Tortoise etc.Are _________Vertebrates.
A: Fishes
B: Reptiles(☆)
C: Birds

29: Some Birds Cannot Fly But Run, They Are Called ___________Birds.
A: Fly
B: Running(☆)
C: Jumping

30: All Birds Lay Eggs To Produce Their Off_____________?
A: Spring(☆)
B: Summer
C: Winter
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