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We still have a chance to be...

How wonderful it is. How complex. Its amazing how He kept everything in order. It all works perfectly. No mistakes. Every thing, every stage in its own unique, laid out manner. It doesn't depend on anything else apart from itself.. Everything is made to fit in each other like a jigsaw and works together combining efforts into a beautiful complete system that has its own unique sections working together simultaneously from the word go to the final stage. It's beyond imagination how complete and sophisticated the whole world is. Just perfect.

One of the best of His creations, is us. The human. He made us in the perfect shape and size, perfect complete system that functions on its own. We could never be more grateful for this honour. We could have never asked for anything more.

Let's talk a few minutes to ponder. With all the dead, He has given you life, a chance to do it all over again. With all the sick, He has given you health, you are aware if your immediate environment and you are able to help yourself do  basics.
With all the poor, He has given you wealth. Yes, you are rich in so many ways. Some of which you cannot even begin to fathom. It is enough to breath free oxygen, it is enough for you to move around, not depending on machines and medicines and horrendous pipes inserted into your body. You might think this is nothing, but you should visit the graves and imagine how many of all those lying there could give anything to be in your shoes. They still had dreams and hopes, they still left behind there loved ones and never had the chance to say goodbye. They all felt they went too soon. There was a lot they still had to accomplish. If they knew, they would have done everything so differently. Try going to the hospital and see people battling for their lives. If only we knew lucky and blessed we are.

We all are. We should be very grateful for all the favours that we can still enjoy. The fact the we still exist this moment on. We still have a lot to do. Each one if us is holding the pen to our destiny. We can write or remove whatever we want. We have already wasted enough time but now, we have to wake up. You have to put all your dreams into reality. You have to turn all your might haves into something. It is time to change for the better. Nobody is going to do this for you. You are your own author of the book called life. They made us believe in happily ever after but honestly speaking there's no such thing. Every day is a struggle. But only you can decide if its worth the effort or no. We have been holding ourselves for long, it's now our time. We have to do it now , its now or never.   At least show with all the favours that you are enjoying, you made something come out of them that made something come out of you. It's time.


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