The wisest of people are the ones that talk less. When you talk less, the brain gets to concentrate on listening. It gets time to keenly observe the immediate environment. You can listen to the conversation of the people sorrounding you. Not just by the words they speak, but so much more. Sometimes the reactions and behaviour of people tend to be saying something different than what they are actually saying with their mouths. Sometimes the the heart and the brain speaks more than the words that we speak but of course you have to be keen to notice these things. This only happens when you minimise your tongue activities and maximise your ears and eyes.
Let us go beyond the walls and sites of our friends who always have something new to share. Or if we are these friends then for once, lets just stop sharing and take time to visit other people's walls and sites and do something differently like learn. Learn how they interact, what they make public and what they don't. Then we will have a rough idea of being less predictable to the people that knows us.
In the world that we live in many people are sucked into the social media world. They feel the need to parade their lives, joys and moments, giving a sneak peak from the whole world. It has become a norm where everyone now wants to live a life that is set out by these social sites as successful. We need likes and credit, and we value so much of public opinions than we value the true meaning of life.
Life is not always what we see. It is always a completely different thing than what we are led to believe. Behind all those loves and likes from friends, colleagues and family, very very few are really genuine. Most of them are fake.
I urge you to keep your life private. Nobody really cares for you. They just want to know what's new. Keep things to yourself. Your joys are yours. Your accomplishment are for you. You could have a few close friends and members of family but avoid posting these on social sites where a whole world can see. This is the platform where your enemies are waiting for the opportunity to make things go wrong for you so that they could sit and enjoy. Do not give them this satisfaction. Its a norm that rich people act poor and poor people act rich, don't do either, just be normal. Advertising your accomplishment online is the worst move to make. Let the people flaunt their change online, making too much noise, keep your dollars intact so they wouldn't know if you have any.
Elderly Advice One person was very poor. He advised his wife to be enslaved by a nobleman. His wife gave permission. His wife had not yet given birth to a first son. That he robbed his wife of his youth and went into slavery. So that the coming baby will have a better future. He went into a far-off city. And served this man for 20 years. After 20 years, I got permission from the chief. That he wants to go home now. The nobleman was also generous. He provided many goats, buffaloes and camels. And made rich and rich and sent back. He was coming back. That went through the desert. And on the way he found a hut. In it was a mad man. Spend the night with him. The poor man requested the nightly man to help him. Beggar said, "I will help." But I charge a fortune. He asked the price. Said one camel for every fortune. He said that I am wealth...